New book in my little private library!
Waiting for me in the mailbox when returning to Englewood, FL, was this little book:
Norwegians in Minnesota (The People of Minnesota) by Jon Gjerde and Carlton C. Qualey.
On the back it says:
«This work is a superg introduction to the story of Norwegians in Minnesota. Jon GJerde’s writing is accurate, engaging and up to date, and an array of illustrations offers an intimate welcome to the life of the group. This book belongs in the hands of anyone with an interest in Norwegian American life»
Todd W. Nichil, Norwegian-American Historical Assosiation»
Todd W. Nichil, Norwegian-American Historical Assosiation»
«The images of the Vikings professional football team, the stereotype of the «Norwegian bachelor farmer,» and even Minnesotans’ speech patterns proclaim the state’s Norwegian heritage. But Norwegian settlers have contributed much more to Minnesota. This book examines how their settlements, urban trades, and industries helped define the Minnesota of today»
The book is filled with pictures, and it also has an index to names and places. I am looking forward to read this, maybe I find some names I have researched?