52 Weeks To Better Genealogy – Challenge #1
Week 1: Go to your local public library branch. Make a note of the genealogy books in the collection that may help you gain research knowledge. Don’t forget to check the shelves in both the non-fiction section and the reference section. If you do not already have a library card, take the time to get one. If you have a genealogy blog, write about what you find in your library’s genealogy collection.
This challenge actually got me to get a library card at the Englewood Charlotte (FL) Public Library where I am one of the infamous «Snowbirds». First I went down this Monday… and have to admit – I read the directions, but not the hours (only 3-4 lines below on the same page)… so I had to go back Tuesday.(Mondays are hard in this part of the world…)
I got my brand new Library card, and started to ask about their Genealogy section and Local History …. they did’nt have any at that location! So I have to go to the other place later to check out their genealogy-section.
But, with my new card I got access to some nice electronic collections and databases that I am to check out. I am working on a project about norwegians in Florida from 1850 till 1930, and all resources are welcome, especially those online and searchable. Really looking forward to look into these resources.
With my new Library card from Charlotte County, I am also allowed to use the Elsie Quirk Library in the neighoring Sarasota County. I know they have a good genealogy-collection there, and I will try to take a trip down there tomorrow to test out my new card! This weather really makes a trip to the Library sound like a great idea!
Part 2 I have now been at the Elsie Quirk Library, and with the Charlotte Co.-card, I also got a card for the Sarasota Co. Library-system.
They have a pretty good genealogy-collection, and I even brought a couple of books with me home.
- «Guide to finding your Ellis Island Ancestors» – A genealogist’s essential guide to navigating the Ellis Island Database and Passenger Arrival Lists (author Sharon DeBartolo Carmack)
- «They Became Americans» – finding naturaliszation records and etninc origins (author Loretto Dennis Szucks).
I also went through the Florida-section, since and grabbed with me «Boca Grande – Once a raiload town» (by Robert F. Fisher) because I love Boca Grande.
I will surely go back to both the libraries, but I think the EQL will see most of me because of their good Genealogy-collection. They also have wireless Internet , so if I need to do any work while there, I can bring my own computer with all my subscriptions from both sides of «the Pond».
4 thoughts on “52 Weeks To Better Genealogy – Challenge #1”
if you have a laptop / computer with you here and just look up the county home page for the library and you should be able to check more…do know that ancestry dot com is used free only in the building.
Smart idea to take a picture of the library – glad you thought of it – hope you don’t mind if I use the same idea.
Glad you got the library card. EQL is going to be remodeled and in the process loose space in the reference area. EGSF board met with the head librarian and will assist in the reorganization of the genealogy colllection during the remodeling. The genealogy reference collecion will organized by subject area rather than by Dewey dcimal and make researching easier.
AT EQL, you only can use Ancestry on thier computer or on your laptop if you have your own subscrition to Ancestry.
Are you going to publish in any way anything about Norwegians in Florida?