Englewood Genealogical Society – Timelines
Today I got the latest number of «Timelines» in my e-mail inbox. Thank you D’Ann. Great work. some nice pictures too!
In this number there is a great article about naturalization and how to understand it. I will ask if I can translate it into Norwegian and put it on my blog later. Also I found an interesting webpage I will give a closer look – Accessgenealogy It has links to a lot of genealogy-sites and resources, and might be interesting for norwegians looking for their emigrants in the US. At least I saw some links to census-sites (free) – and that is always interesting!!
I am looking forward to the EGSF December meeting, exactly 1 year since last time! Christmas Party! See you there, Sue!
I will bring the work I have done on Karens genealogy to the meeting, and maybe we can make it to get a Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting on Scandinavia this time. I will contact Bill when we get there, and see if we can find a date and place.
For those norwegians reading this, have a look at the EGSF webpage, there you will find direct links to empty census forms with the headings from the original forms. Great tool when you try to find out all the different seecrets around the numbers and letters!!