Lois from Engewood Genealogical Society FL…
At my first visit to Elsie Quirk library in Englewood I met Lois. Or … I actually attacked her …. I was in a line to get som copies from a genealogy-book for my own projects, when I saw her… in her hand she had a book… Cradled in Sweden! I just «Heey – are you a genealogist»… and she looked at me and said… «Yes»…. And I said.. «I am norwegian, I can see you are working on Swedish people…» .. Lois just «Oh – you must be sent from heaven, I need help with some translations….»
I told her to come to the next meeting in the Englewood Genealogical Society, – Scandinavian Special Interest group. And who met me there a few days later? Lois of course!!
Now I have helped her with some translations, I have also helped her finding her husbands ggggrandmother in Sweden, and I think I have found her some living relatives in Sweden! A fast search in DISbyt – the swedish DIStreff (the norwegian site only in norwegian right now) – both huge databases ment to find other people working on the same names and folks and farms and places.. (remember – this i NOT a primary source, this is other peoples research, use it for what it is made for, to find other researchers)
Maybe I can give Lois a living relative for Christmas???
One thought on “Lois from Engewood Genealogical Society FL…”
It feels so good to help people find their ancestors. I love it. Good job, Laila!