More sources and some kindness…
More sources has been put into my Legacy database today – and some genealogy kindness has been done.
1. Go Back and Cite Your Sources!
Sources corrected/identified/cited: 26
Total since games started: 17 + 26 = 43
Wow I am already on the Gold medal in my category! With this speed I will get to platinium! Well, actually – my database needs more than that, but I am on my way!
5. Reach Out & Perform Genealogical Acts of Kindness!
B. Join another genea-blogger’s blog network on Facebook Blog Networks.
I have joined 3 Genea-Bloggers networks actually, Creative Gene (Jasia Smasha) , Genealogy Roots Blog (Joe Beine) and of course Vidars Slektsblog
A. Comment on a new (to you) genea-blog.
I am working my way through many of the blogs I have found lately, and a comment is made on Genealogy Roots Blog This is not «just another blog» but it also includes some great information on new death-indexes, important also for the norwegian researchers looking for relatives in USA!
One thought on “More sources and some kindness…”
Well done, Laila!
Aim for platinium…